The Official Website

It took long enough, but it’s finally here.

I’m really excited to share this. I have a couple more things to finish before the launch, mainly setting up hyperlinks, but other than that, the Official Lara X. Lust Website is ready to go. I do plan to tweak a few things in the future.

I think the section With Misty Vixen and Audiobooks could benefit from web-optimized pictures and a non-JS gallery. It would take less resources to process and require less bandwidth to load, meaning most people’s computers or smartphones should handle it just fine.

Some other things I want to add in the future:

  • A page just for free material

  • An actual shop for more experimental content

  • More links to authors I work with or personally know

  • Book reviews

  • A place for interviews

Some of these could be put in the blog, but I’m not sure I want to do that. I think they’re significant enough to deserve their own pages. What else would you like to see on my official website? Reach out to me at or leave a comment here.
